This Week's Devotional
Psalm 139:23-24 (KJV)
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139 is a marvelous chapter, as is all of God’s Word divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. Somehow in these 24 verses we see ourselves in proper perspective. David recognizes God as the searcher, the knowing, omnipresent God who knew us, knows us, and is able to
lead us. The invitation from David to God to search him, try him and know him represents a full surrender to the Lord. The revealing that David is requesting is not that God will discover something He does not know. The fact that God knows everything about us has already been established in prior verses. Really what David is requesting is that he would come to know himself through God's revelation. So this is the request to God, show me to myself; search me, try me, show me my heart and reveal my thoughts to me.
No cover up, no rationalization for my actions. Just pure truth. After your finished showing me to me God lead me to the way everlasting. Let wickedness, an impure heart, any contaminated motives be washed from me. Lead me to the way everlasting, or if it were us praying this prayer we might say "lead me to the way of salvation".
This invitation for God to search is only part of the process. What we are left to deal with is the aftermath of understanding and seeing what God see's. What is implied in verse 24 is that surrender to God will
make the path straight and the heart pure and the motive right if we follow God. How do you feel about that? Will surrender and honesty before God be enough to bring real change where change is needed? Scripture says "faith without works is dead". What can I add to my
faith that will bring life. Revaluation from God serves as a mirror, a lifeline, God's hand extended to us. Not condemnation but the extreme love of God to fallen man. A pivot point for grace to be realized and personally embraced.
James 5:15 (KJV)
15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
I see revelation from God as the prayer list. Prayer is action or works of faith. Faith is the key that opens the door to healing strength and forgiveness.
What are your thoughts?
Father your scripture tells me that I will find you when I seek you
with all my heart. Your are the searcher, the knower, the
omnipresent God. I fully surrender to you. I seek you, I want you,
and need you! Search me and try me, know my heart and my
thoughts. Lead me to the way everlasting. Lead me to the way of
salvation in Jesus name.